Saturday, February 16, 2013

Algarguppe - 7th Jan 2013



7th Jan 2013
Alarguppe is a well preserved as well as a simply fabulous Hoysala temple that has seen no vandalism, in good condition.
The Mantap has a central, platform with four pillars supporting the primary ceiling. On all sides, you have eight secondary ceilings. This is the normal theme. Here in this Mantap, you see some intricate carvings in the ceiling, ribbons of stones intertwined completely defying the brittle innateness of stones. The original ‘red oxide’ color still lingers on to some of the sculptures. Fortunately it is maintained well and as a bonus, the caretaker, though not very educated is very conscientious of his role as a protector of the monument and keeps a wary eye on visitors. In all the temples, invariably protected by ASI, use of tripod is banned.  After much pleading he allowed me to take a photograph of a single ceiling, partially overcome by the pleading of the auto driver in Kannada.
Alagarguppe - exterior carvings
The carvings on the exterior wall were mutilated as in other places, yet grand. There is an addition to the left side of the wing, housing a deity of Lakshmi Narasimha, probably an addition during Hampi era. Yet it sits well with the Hoysala style. Alagarpuppe deserves few more visits, in different seasons and I cannot wait to get there during monsoon, to see again with a cloudy backdrop and streaming sun rays.

1 comment:

  1. Beautifulllllllllll wish i could see it closer......glad to know that this one has been well preserved....:-)
